Thursday, September 29, 2011


jilla | 4:46 AM | | | | | |
SHE was working alone that night in the Circle K gas station, when a pint sized assassin walked in and pointed a gun at her.
Wearing a hoodie with a baseball cap on his head and an American flag draped around their head and shoulders, the 5ft2 thug then marched the grandmother to the back of the store and executed her with single bullet to the head.
She died instantly on the floor of the Douglasville store. 
But almost two years on, her family are refusing to give up hope that her killer, who may be either a male or female, or possibly a juvenile will be caught. 
Her daughter Karen Kaiser told the Times Georgian that she hopes because of the current economy, someone will be willing to turn someone else in, regardless of the relationship.
She said: “Most people who commit this kind of crime are not hanging around with people who won’t turn them in for that kind of money. The root of all evil is money.
She added: "The person is still out there. You don't know if that could happen to another family, another person can loose their grandma. I know that person will get their punishment. At the moment I'm trying to forgive."
Yet, she remains strong and said what she wants is closure for her mother’s murder.
She said: “We can never scar up from this until someone is caught,” she said. “Only when a person is caught can we truly heal.”
Douglas County Sheriff Phil Miller has added to a reward set up to find the killer, upping it from $20,000 to $30,000 and he's hoping that may provide someone with the extra incentive. 
He said: “We’re working even as we speak.”
Anyone with information on Humphrey’s killer or would like to collect the $30,000 reward money is asked to call Oliver at 678-486-1247.

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