Thursday, September 15, 2011


jilla | 3:42 AM | | | |
On Jan. 15, 1977 the nude body of 20 year old Bernice Kuhlman was found in Polecat Creek near the bridge at 10300 S. 33 W. Ave.  in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Kuhlman was last seen by friends the night of Jan. 14, 1977.
The State Medical Examiners Office ruled the manner of death as Homicide, cause of death being strangulation. The pretty redhead had just moved to Tulsa from Texas and may have been meeting pals from the Lone Star State the night she was murdered.
At the time, there were a number of "conflicting statements" from her friends, cops told the press. Bernice Kuhlman’s case remains unsolved


  1. Bernice and I were friends at the time of her murder. I don't recall why I didn't go hang out with her that night...if I had a date or had to work but will always regret not hanging out with her that night, and please God make her killer pay in hell.

  2. I wonder if anyone will please look at Bernice,s case again. Please. Maybe her family has given up but as her friend this will haunt me forever, always in fear that her murderer still walks free in Oklahoma, maybe down the road from me?

  3. Please someone pay attention and help us find Bernice, killer. Yes, this will drive me crazy forever. Even after 43 or so years, I can still see her smiles and the way she talked. That she was thrown into a creek like a wrapper from a treat you steal, like trash...God, if the authorities wont pay attention anymore, I sure pray that scum will keep watching for my posts, since he is heavy on my mind as I pray he dies REAL hard.

  4. We are after you now...time isn't yours anymore. We have your DNA!

  5. Boone cares anymore, and your family just can't seem to have the wherewithal to make your killer pay. Jesus saw you in that cold cruel creek, as you were naked, ruined and ravaged. God bless you, my friend.

  6. I am still believing we can get that guy.


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