Friday, October 28, 2011


jilla | 3:22 AM | | | | | | | | | | |
HE witnessed something no one should see, let alone a two-and-a-half year old boy.
But Delores Thompson's son is still the only person who saw what happened to his 27-year-old mom and her pal Gwendolyne Fulce, 21, when they were viciously beaten back in September 1973.
Sadly he can't remember what happened, but by the time his father arrived to pick him up the two women had been brutally bludgeoned to death.
The toddler had been left among their bloody remains in her Portland, OR home.
Portland Police Cold Case Detective Meredith Hopper told KPTV: "He was laying on a couch near one of the victims. The victims were in different rooms and unfortunately, the father had to search for his son because his concern was if his son was also a victim."
The boy's brother Clark Thompson was only 7 years old when his mother was murdered and he has few concrete memories of his mother with him and his siblings.
He told the station: "The last memory I have of her was two caskets."
Hopper, who was not even born at the time of the murder, is however refusing to give up on the case and are determined to catch the killer and forensic evidence is now being re-examined with new technology in the hope of generating new leads. 
Clark Thompson meanwhile, just wants to see justice.
He said: "How would you feel if your momma didn't make it to 30? I just want justice to be served, you know what I'm saying? They took my mother away from me."
If you have any information, call Crimestoppers at (503) 823-HELP (4357).

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