Monday, October 31, 2011


jilla | 5:05 AM | | | |
A CONVICTED killer on his deathbed has confessed to the 1975 murder of his college roommate of Illinois. Michael Mansfield, 19, vanished while on home on Christmas break on Dec. 31. he was never seen again. But his disappearance came just six days before he was supposed to testify against Russell Smrekar--his Lincoln College roommate--who had been accused of stealing a guitar from a dorm. The following year, Smrekar was accused of stealing two steaks from a supermarket, and a witness in that case — Ruth Martin — also disappeared. Two other witnesses to the latter crime, Jay and Robin Fry, were also killed. Smrekar was convicted of their murders and sentenced to 200 to 600 years . He died on Thursday at Menard Correctional Center. Cops always believed Smrekar murdered Mansfield but couldn't seal the deal. When cold case cops found out he was dying, he confessed to killing Mansfield and Martin. COLD CASE CONFESSION

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